Booking Online

Reservations can be made 24 hours later, due to scheduling purposes

About routes to and from the airport

Fill in all the fields and then click on the option to travel.


From Athens:
Tell us the time you want us to pick you up from the address you have set. We suggest you make your appointment one hour before the time you want to be at the airport.

From Thessaloniki:
You must make your appointment 30-50 minutes before the time you want to be at the airport.
If you need help contact us.

Tell us the flight number and the scheduled landing time and we will calculate the time you need to get to the point where our driver will be waiting for you. (To identify the driver, he will hold a label with your name or our brand name)

    Are you traveling?
    (Your route is to or from an airport, port or other means.)

    Return transfer?
